Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Are cakes an art form?  Is art protected free speech?

This week the Supreme Court takes up the case of a cake maker who refuses to make wedding cakes for same sex weddings.  He cites the First Amendment’s freedom of expression, as his cakes are his art form.

Now, I can certainly say that I have seen other forms of art that I find highly offensive, for which the artist uses the same argument.

So, let’s make this more personal to all of us.  Let me set the stage:

YOU are the baker.  An organization comes to you, asking you to make them a cake for their rally.  On that cake, they ask for the words “Abortion Is Murder” to be put on the cake.

Would you make the cake for them?

If you say no, then just plan to get your wedding cake from a different baker.

You see, free speech applies also to speech with which you disagree--and this is very different than someone denying people their constitutional right (as upheld by the Supreme Court) to marry.

I believe this is the way the Supreme Court will rule.  We shall see.
