Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Oooh, this one is going to be fun!

I would encourage everyone to watch this video first, and then read the rest of the post:


I hope that this clip is also fake.  But if it proves to be real, what do we have?

I have been disappointed in the media for a long time, and especially recently.  The mainstream media plays lip service to objectivism, transparency, lack of bias, and promotion of fair assessment of the political landscape.

That. Never. Happens.

Let's take one media outlet for example:

--They create stories that purport to embarrass or expose corruption in one side of the political spectrum

Sound familiar?

--They will always support the other political ideology

Know of whom I speak?

--Businesses playing this particular news source were derided for their biased view.

Getting my drift?

--They weren't considered "real" journalism because their stories were said to be too biased.

Who are they?

Well, those accusations are, beyond question, now applicable to more than one media outlet.
--Fox News
and, of course, others, but this example is to make a point.

News outlets that promote an agenda that is against a particular party or politician are all the same.

So, why is CNN ( along with other media sources) trying its best to "expose" a now obviously non-existent collusion between the President and the Russians during his campaign?

--It makes ratings
--It continues the narrative that was once thought to be Trump's downfall.

The problem with this idea is that Trump's campaign did not collude with the Russians to win the election.  Period.  News like that leaks out of campaigns.  There's nothing.  Crickets--

As I have long believed, Trump is actually OK with this talk of "collusion."  He welcomes it.  Because, while he is doing other things that don't get the press of people trying to tear down his presidency, the attention is taken off of those things he is busy pushing forward as his real agenda.

People, please pay attention.

I am not a Trump fan.  He did not receive my vote, and will likely never receive my vote in future elections.  But people are paying attention to the wrong things.  And, guess what--he will get by with things you don't like because you keep screaming "Russian collusion!"

Just wait.   Just watch.


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