Saturday, July 8, 2017

Let's face it--lots of people are discriminated against based on a perceived difference from the local norm.

I live in East Tennessee.  Thankfully, I also live in a downtown community in one of the most progressive cities in the Southeast--and that helps.  In a life not far away in either time or distance, however, I did not have that luxury.  I have seen people mistreated in ways that are reprehensible because they did not meet the White, Christian, Straight norm of the local expectation.

Some of the loudest voices were the most hypocritical--if you get my drift...

Not everyone that cries "racism" or "homophobia" victimization,  however,  is actually a victim.  When you try to single yourself out because you are making a "big deal" out of your status, you make it OK for anyone else to address that also--and not everyone is going to address it in a kind way.  Just go about your business and do the best that you can every day, and demonstrate that your difference is part of you--and it doesn't matter.  Yes, you may still be the victim of discrimination, and that is terrible.  Sometimes people face discrimination because of the ignorance of other people, but sometimes--and this is where this gets uncomfortable--sometimes people face discrimination because they are an in-your-face asshole.

Remember, sometimes you may need to be the tolerant one.

Be peaceable to all--


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